Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Ash vs. Separatism
The fact of the matter is that this deficit will not fix itself overnight; Labor have this running idea that we can eradicate twice the amount of debt achieved by the last Liberal government in half the time. That is a ridiculously unrealistic goal. Labor is notorious for making debt, and Liberal has been there to pick up the pieces (look at the Keating government for Christ’s sake!!). Kevin Rudd is not suited to run this country – his stupidly “generous” mishandling of the nation’s spenditure has forced us into debt. The Swudd Budget is a disgrace.
But the point of this topic is not the budget essentially, but the increasing relevance in today’s society of the separatism of the people – In other words, some people getting a greater advantage over others because of their place in a minority group. This is not fair. I believe in the conservative ideology that you should work for your buck. I hate moochers. I hate the fact people walk into Centrelink and are handed over cash for being lazy sons of bitches.
Austudy and the Youth Allowance is a particular peeve of mine. I believe you should only take from the government what you desperately need, and nothing if you have the means of making your own money. Fair enough if you’re forced out of home and can’t make ends meet while studying; fair enough you have a full course load and can’t work; fair enough if you’re moving away from home to study; fair enough if you are disabled and can’t work and study. I don’t want to restrict the welfare state to nothing; I just want the means testing to be reviewed. You shouldn’t get anything if you simply can’t be bothered finding work, or working a few extra hours, and it’s absolute bullshit to say you need more time to study. People have been doing it for years and getting excellent grades, and most people now days have contact time of less than 20 hours a week anyway. Stop complaining and harden the fuck up. Get a job; quit being a leech on our government.
I also think the benefits handed out to the indigenous community are unfair and completely guilt driven. What has happened to them in the past is unforgivable, I admit it, but I did not participate in the Stolen Generation. Kevin Rudd, Malcolm Turnbull, Pauline Hanson and the rest of the people running this country did not participate. It was not our fault. The fact is we can’t keep punishing ourselves for what happened decades ago, it does not allow us to move on as a country. As John Howard said, “Guilt is not hereditary”, and he’s right. I think it was a terrible injustice, but I’m not about to stand back and watch as the community takes from the government, believing it’s their right, and then giving nothing in return. We are all human and perfectly capable of getting a job – why is it those of colour can receive greater benefits than say, that of a disabled person who has no chance of holding down a steady job? The government needs to stop feeling so guilty and start seeing the situation as it is; they are human too. Their blood runs the same red, and it is not our fault for our past. I can be compassionate, but I am not stupid.
Besides, isn’t war a part of history? A part of human nature? I don’t condone war, or the bloodiness history. Fair enough we have a Sorry Day, and we yearly recognise their hardships, but taking money because they can is not okay. It’s not okay for anyone.
I’m not preaching racism or anything of the like, but I express the need for things to change. Everyone is equal, but in the words of Orwell, does separatism make some more equal than others? No one should be given an advantage because of their skin colour or racial history. That is not fair on those who are out there, working hard every day to provide for their family. My parents never got anything, hell they had the pay the government back when they received the baby handout everyone was getting 20 years ago. The first money they ever received was the Krudd $900 handout. But I turned out fine, my sister turned out fine – we are still alive. My folks struggled for money for many years, but I’m pretty damn sure they’re not dead.
So ask yourself- Is it fair people getting offered free money based on their colour, age, racial background, or just because they’re too damn lazy? I pay those tax dollars, and I sure as hell don’t want my money going to those who don’t need it.
But I’m sure those who read it, will just take the money anyway, totally ignoring the point of this whole blog, or labelling me a racist (which I'm not), because I picked on a minority group. I'm just expressing the view that NO ONE, despite colour, age, race, history, or state of their left foot has the right to just take money for no legitimate reason. To each according to his need. Thats the way it should be.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Archive (4/5/2009): The Proverbial Russian Roulette
I came across the theory of Emotionalism vs. Rationalism, the idea that human beings adhere to their emotions rather than good old fashion common sense whilst reading and just because I’m a complete nerd, decided to apply it to the people around me. As it was, I ended up slotting into the back of my mind as the most important tool of any political campaign – Human beings aren’t rational, and you can win almost anyone over if you can tell them what they want to hear. Bugger if it’s true or not (hell, those seniors still haven’t gotten their fuel cards), it’s essential for people to believe they’ll be supported.
This is probably the main reason I’m joining the Liberal Party – their lack of a solid, coherent ideology could possibly make them the most powerful party in the system. It allows their policies to be reactionary – it allows them to be an “anti” party – as in they can be anti anything they bloody well want according to the current social, economic and political climate trends. Take for example the ALP – if in the next few years the Trade Unions get too far ahead of themselves, demanding too much, getting it, and coming close to running the bloody country, the ALP is in a hell of a predicament; Labor is for the proletariat, campaigning for a solid welfare state – being far too left for my tastes – and favouring the worker over the employer. If the government was to be usurped by the Unions, it would mean a bloody hard time for the business owners, but it would go against the Labor ideology to reject them, allowing the Liberals to open fire on them. Now, as evident under the watchful eyes of Johnnie “I-don’t-apologise-for-anything” Howard, the worker was kicked up the backside with “Work Choices”, which was probably a deciding factor in their campaign loss (That and the fact that Costello is an ass). The conservatist Liberals hate the Unions, favouring big business over smaller ones and not really giving a rats bloody ass about the worker. The Liberals can govern with limited ideological restriction (they can’t rightly turn Commie or Fascist though), however one of the prominent reasons they aren’t in power is their inability to get their act together – the party divisions are deep and far reaching, Malcolm Turnball is weak to the point he fears colleague Colin Barnett, Julie Bishop hasn’t actually done anything of value except rip off other people’s work and Troy Buswell’s a chair sniffing, squirrel grabbing, crude sexist creep. Then there’s the whole ETS debate...but that’s for another time.
I think I’ve gotten severely off course here...
Anyway, the point of this rant is to deal with the idea I brought up in my Religion rant: Emotionalism vs. Rationalism. If a speaker can harness this, it would ensure full audience support, no matter what ridiculous point they were pushing. It most probably originated with Machiavelli’s ideas of submission; that it is to be better to be feared than loved as a leader and that one must govern by his own rules, not the ones set out for him (Liberal Party mate...). He coined the idea that a leader needs to make use of the “crowd”, to sedate them. A powerful orator knows his audience and can therefore manipulate them.
The one good thing about the “hollywoodization” of society is the fact that people remain stupid. Illiteracy and blind anarchy allowed Russia and Germany respectively to be ruled by dictators. Ignorance is the illiteracy and anarchy of the 21st Century. It’s what allows Julia Roberts to stand up and say George Bush was an idiot, and have people reply with “Yeah, that’s true”. Okay, not that I’m saying he wasn’t, but who the bloody hell is Julia Roberts to say anything? Last time I checked she wasn’t a historian or political analyst, or anyone who had the right to publically say anything. If I’m put on the chopping block for the things I’ve written (which are all true... to my views on the world), then she can’t just get away scot free. The point is, that people believe anything, especially if it is someone society sees as “valuable” who says it.
I know people who have said some stupid things to me. I don’t mean stupid as in sarcastic or funny (my mates have stupid humour, though I do too...), but I mean genuinely stupid. No, I correct that, stupidly ignorant. Stupid ignorant twats who couldn’t see reason if it was hurled at them like vomit in Northbridge. Revenge on police officers for doing their jobs properly; voting for daylight savings just because everyone else is voting ‘no’ and going all “Crazy Christian” on me when I do the annual Christmas message rounds, wishing everyone a ‘Happy Christmas’ with ‘Heaps of Prezzies’ (because suddenly I hate Jesus Christ and have forgotten the meaning of Christmas...pfft...) just to name a few. I don’t claim to be perfect but come on, don’t go all Julia Roberts on me.
So, if you can tell the people that “We will make getting a job easier for you!” to a desperate crowd, they will believe you. It’s just the “But getting fired is easier too” part which is left up to the opposition to provide which keeps Australia’s government in check.
I just think it’s interesting that the new generation is now voting, and I’m guessing that not one would have even registered what that last paragraph meant, or what it was referring to, or how it affected the last election:
Or even how it affected them.
So, the message I’m trying to get across is that ‘not giving a shit’ is like playing Russian Roulette. It’s all well and good when you have the media, the opposition and ridiculously politically driven people like me performing checks on parliamentary activities, but as evident with leaders such as John Howard and Paul Keating, and War legislation in 1914 and 1939, censorship can be a powerful thing, and your ignorance might just end up shooting you in the head.
Okay, exaggerating just a titch...
Archive (28/4/2009): Pauline Hanson's Maiden Speech - 10/9/1996
"Mister Acting Speaker, in making my first speech in this place, I congratulate you on your election and wish to say how proud I am to be here as the Independent member for Oxley. I come here not as a polished politician but as a woman who has had her fair share of life's knocks.
We now have a situation where a type of reverse racism is applied to mainstream Australians by those who promote political correctness and those who control the various taxpayer funded "industries" that flourish in our society servicing Aboriginals, multiculturalists and a host of other minority groups. In response to my call for equality for all Australians, the most noisy criticism came from the fat cats, bureaucrats and the do-gooders. They screamed the loudest because they stand to lose the most - their power, money and position, all funded by ordinary Australian taxpayers.
Present governments are encouraging separatism in Australia by providing opportunities, land, moneys and facilities available only to Aboriginals. Along with millions of Australians, I am fed up to the back teeth with the inequalities that are being promoted by the government and paid for by the taxpayer under the assumption that Aboriginals are the most disadvantaged people in Australia. I do not believe that the colour of one's skin determines whether you are disadvantaged.
This nation is being divided into black and white, and the present system encourages this. I am fed up with being told, "This is our land." Well, where the hell do I go? I was born here, and so were my parents and children. I will work beside anyone and they will be my equal but I draw the line when told I must pay and continue paying for something that happened over 200 years ago. Like most Australians, I worked for my land; no-one gave it to me.
Reconciliation is everyone recognising and treating each other as equals, and everyone must be responsible for their own actions. This is why I am calling for ATSIC to be abolished. It is a failed, hypocritical and discriminatory organisation that has failed dismally the people it was meant to serve. It will take more than Senator Herron's surgical skills to correct the terminal mess it is in. Anyone with a criminal record can, and does, hold a position with ATSIC. I cannot hold my position as a politician if I have a criminal record - once again, two sets of rules.
If politicians continue to promote separatism in Australia, they should not continue to hold their seats in this parliament. They are not truly representing all Australians, and I call on the people to throw them out. To survive in peace and harmony, united and strong, we must have one people, one nation, one flag.
I and most Australians want our immigration policy radically reviewed and that of multiculturalism abolished. I believe we are in danger of being swamped by Asians. Between 1984 and 1995, 40 % of all migrants coming into this country were of Asian origin. They have their own culture and religion, form ghettos and do not assimilate. Of course, I will be called racist but, if I can invite whom I want into my home, then I should have the right to have a say in who comes into my country. A truly multicultural country can never be strong or united. The world is full of failed and tragic examples, ranging from Ireland to Bosnia to Africa and, closer to home, Papua New Guinea. America and Great Britain are currently paying the price.
I call for the introduction of national service for a period of 12 months, compulsory for males and females upon finishing year 12 or reaching 18 years of age. This could be a civil service with a touch of military training, because I do not feel we can go on living in a dream world forever and a day believing that war will never touch our lives again.
Wake up, Australia, before it is too late. Australians need and want leaders who can inspire and give hope in difficult times. Now is the time for the Howard government to accept the challenge."
(This is really to make up for my inability to write any new material on account of the ridiculous amount of uni work I have)
Link: http://www.australian-news.com.au/maiden_speech.htm
Archive (14/4/2009): I'd go for $43b Mr. Rudd.
$43B is a hell of a lot of money. It’s even more than the stimulus package designed to help out the citizens, education, health and public service. It’s more money than most people can contemplate, and far more than anyone will ever see in their entire lives. I hate it. I hate the idea of it. I hate the fact that 111 West Aussie towns won’t benefit from it, and the rest won’t see its ultimate effects for almost a decade. I hate how we have no say in the matter. I hate how the West Australian Government has taken a 3% budget cut because the country has no money. Public Servants get screwed, the elderly get screwed. In the end, it is the future than will inherently get screwed – if we’re spending all the money now, what will be left? The recession is far from over, and the government can justify throwing tens of billions of dollars to make internet surfing a little (well, a lot) faster.
The consequences of this proposal are so far reaching. For example, the entertainment industry will suffer; faster downloads means more people scamming of them. And of course, it’s not like we won’t be paying for it; internet bills will skyrocket, usage will lag and more and more computers will become infested with viruses due to the extra circulation.
What about our hospitals, our schools and our Public Sphere? Emergency Rooms are filled to the brim every night with people stored away on tray beds in corridors. Students are unable to get the most out of their education due to the lack of school funding. Public Servants take a slap across the face as their pay increases become fixed and may not suffice over the growing inflation. This is absolute rubbish. I would rather my mother stay in the Black than make Googling easier. I can understand the general motives of the idea, but why introduce it when we have no money, where lower level Public Servants have to stem the tide of Recession without government help? Give it 3 years, it’s not that important.
Then again, Mr. Rudd has also gone the opposite way, throwing money into the Public Sector where it is not appreciated. Alinjarra benefitted 2.5M from Kevin’s $41B stimulus package, but they had no sway over how that money was to be spent. They’re receiving a new oval (which is needed), re-carpeting (also needed in one of the blocks), and a brand new school building. Seeing as they have empty classrooms as it is, I doubt a new building is necessary, especially when it is going to cost over 2M to build. It has been generally recognised as the biggest waste of money. A more beneficial use for the money would have been to, I don’t know, consult the teachers on what they essentially need before throwing the school an unwanted new block. Not just handing the money over, but allowing the teachers to petition what the school could use – new equipment, furniture, the leaks to be fixed, better heating systems, stationary etc. The school couldn’t even scrounge money from the government to put on a service and a notice in the paper after one of their children died. It is pathetic. Money is supposed to be so tight, yet here the state government is, throwing money away. I’ll gladly take that $2M. Giving it to me doesn’t seem any more wasteful that what they’re actually doing with it.
Fair enough the recession has made everything tight, but all the government is trying to do is win votes. It is such bullshit, I can’t even express how frustrated I am. I would rather the state not take a 3% budget cut than be flippant about the money Ruddy has somehow picked up. The nation is in debt, heaps of it, and fair enough if some schools need new buildings, but you can be damn sure Alinjarra isn’t the only poster institution to buy more votes.
I could do a better job in the treasury!
Archive (7/4/2009): To Believe or Not to Believe...
I came across that theory when I was 16 when my semi-insane English Literature teacher explained the theories of the Enlightenment and the inspiration behind the Australian poet Gwen Harwood. I was particularly interested in the idea, so I researched Wittgenstein and discovered Agnosticism. Now, for the few who are unaware of Agnosticism, it is, in a nutshell, the idea that there may be a God, but you essentially haven’t seen enough evidence to prove it. Then again, you refuse to believe there isn’t a God because there isn’t enough evidence to prove that either (even though the bias of Richard Dawkins is starting to convince me otherwise). To put it crudely, they are fence sitters. I am one too – I refuse to believe in God, but I refuse to go to hell (just in case there is one), so I won’t toss the idea out completely. What has started to annoy me, however, is the fact that ironically enough, the Atheists and the crazy-Christians have teamed up against me, placing barbed wire and spokes on my comfy asbestos fence. Apparently they don’t like it; apparently I have to choose a side.
Okay, in the words of the great Dawkins himself, he described people like me as “namby-pamby, mushy pap, weak-tea, weedy, pallid fence-sitters”. The idea is the effigy of indecisiveness, of bailing out, of drinking white wine rather than red or some form of virulent vodka Alco-pop. I can understand why Atheists and Christians think we’re sell-outs – it really is the lazy path. No fighting against God, no wasting every Sunday morning in Church. No ideological sacrificing, no ideological slandering. Nothing. We are looked down upon for being quasi-Nihilistic; easily moulded, easily led, easily dominated. We don’t essentially believe in much at all; at least Atheists believe in believing in nothing; that has to count for something.
I dislike Atheism for the fact it is too critical. I am critical, but not when it comes to human emotion and their capacity to be swayed by them over reason. It’s the old Political debate: Emotionalism vs. Rationalism; people adhere to their emotions before they adhere to sense. Good Politicians are aware of it, cleverer Politicians use it, but greater Politicians shape it. Look at Martin Luther, then look at Hitler. Hitler was clever; he saw the people’s capacity for emotion and stirred it into fanatical Nationalism. I do not underestimate man’s emotional extent, and neither should anyone devote their lives to ignoring it.
I do not hate the idea of believing in something. I think it is the healthiest thing in the world to be able to fixate all hope into the idea that there is something out there working for the greater good of mankind. I think it is important for humans to have an outlet to vent that emotion, to have something to work for, to push them to become a better person. I don’t hate Christianity as a institution which instils hope into the lives of those who have nothing, I dislike it for the rules, for the wars fought in its honour, for the bloodshed, for the moral and ethical implications, and for the cult-like fanaticals who dedicate their lives to the destruction of all non-believers. But, having said that, I also dislike the religion for the idea that someone else will give you hope, that only with the support of God can you truly see yourself. I think that, above all is bullshit. Why is that people see the need to look higher to find happiness? Why can’t you be the one working for the greater good? Why is it that people need to assimilate the life of God to truly be able to live your own? Why is it that people find it so difficult to reach into themselves to find this higher ground, this insatiable hope that someday things will be alright. Why do people need an invisible man sitting upon a cloud, whose existence still in the midst of ambiguity, to be able to have faith in their own ability to get up every morning, to make a difference? Look to your friends, family – look to yourself.
I think it’s time we all start being a little narcissistic. There’s nothing wrong with believing you will someday change the world.
And now for the retaliation of all Christians (don't worry...I expected it - I think I can handle it)...
Archive (31/3/2009): The Great Daylight Savings Debate
I hate daylight savings. Honestly, personally I can find nothing remotely helpful about it. Why in God’s name would you want to elongate a 40C day? To sit out the back and enjoy the summer heat? Bullshit you do; you’re inside, huddled up under the humidifying air-conditioner with half your clothes off begging for this day to end. And what about the people in the country, where they’re lucky to get a day under 40C? I know first-hand the heat of the country – it is dry, blistering and unforgiving, and you could not pay most of the residents of Kalgoorlie enough money to keep it. My own grandmother refuses DLS time. I don’t blame her.
And what about the farmers? Those whose livelihoods depend on a strict time schedule, where cows grow restless if they aren’t milked the same time to the minute. Most, if not all, don’t adhere to the clock changing rules of the summer because they simply have too much to lose because of it. Ever think of them? Ever think where you get that milk from when you’re pouring it into your cereal, or where that wool came from on your blanket, or the wheat in your Weetbix? No, because Daylight Savings is all about a selfish agenda – people wanting an extra hour after work to have some extra leisure time. We didn’t steal that hour! If you’re so set about having an extra leisure day, get up earlier. You bloody well survive during winter, it is NOT going to kill you!
Then you have the business owners of pubs and clubs whose businesses are suffering – the partiers don’t arise until the sky is black – and most pubs are closed by 12 – most clubs are closed by 2. For the pubs, all they get is about 3 and a half hours maximum of solid business on a Saturday night, costing the company thousands. The Carine sees this every Friday night, as well as the annoying kids out of their cages past 8. It is bullshit.
Kids are an interesting one – because many of those who are vying for DLS are the families, but I find that really unusual. How the bloody hell do you get your kids to bed? It’s still too bloody hot and light – I know I can never sleep unless I am enveloped in darkness and cool enough to snuggle under blankets. Instead the kids are running rampant across restaurants – which I have to deal with. Hell, a kid projectile vomited a few weeks ago – at 9PM! We have to clean that up! I can honestly say that the mothers and their untrained little shits who run everything down have turned me off procreating. I don’t want kids – I HATE kids, but I especially hate their over-bearing, over-protective, over-demanding mothers who think they are superior to every other human being. It is these people who officially turned me off Primary teaching – after 18 months of study. I have demonstrably limited patience for anyone anymore. Thankyou.
Worst of all was the government’s handling of the referendum. Or the fact there even is one at all. People in the past have voted no, and I am pretty sure they’ll do so again. They don’t get it – days are getting hotter, money is running out – why should we waste 9M on a referendum which will most probably be rejected...AGAIN! This is an economic recession – don’t spend our money on this bullshit. Either introduce it, or don’t. Don’t waste 3 years and millions of dollars on a decision the government had the power to introduce alone. Mr. Barnett is introducing later trading hours without a referendum and that affects workers more than daylight saving ever would. I think it’s time the government cuts the crap and makes a decision once and for all. Yes or no.
But for the average Joe – Vote NO! Or I’ll come after you.
Archive (26/3/2009): When you know it's time to grow up...
I was in bed last night realising I haven’t written one of these in a week – which probably explains why I kicked those kittens on the way out to my car this morning. It’s good therapy.
I decided that this week I’m going to hit a little closer to home, because something has been really bothering me lately. This is a general rant, so if anyone sees any personal “coincidences”, then it probably does include you – but also half the Australian population. Well, more like three quarters. At least.
It’s just that it’s getting so frustrating that I feel like I literally have nothing in common with anyone anymore. I started a new course at uni a year ago, purely because I’m too political for primary school kids, and I find it fascinating. Even though it’s about 3 times as full on as primary teaching, doing a double degree of Education and Politics/History is literally the most rewarding decision I have made in years. I’m surrounded by academics, intellectuals – people who literally make me want to better myself – who push me to write better, to speak better, to form opinions, to make arguments, to listen, to learn and never want to stop. For the first time in quite a while I know exactly who I am, what I want and where I’m going, and I’m not going to stop pushing myself until I get there.
I don’t see life as easy – I see it as damn hard. I got paid 2 days ago and my bank account balance reads: $0.00 – I have no money; everything I have goes towards bills/holidays/petrol – I rarely buy anything for myself anymore; but I am so much happier. But people can’t understand that; and I can’t understand them.
I honestly can’t understand people who turn their backs on their country; who accept ignorance over thought; who would know the difference between authoritarian and Libertarian, and if told they probably wouldn’t care. Newsflash: It’s the difference between Stalin and Kevin Rudd! If you reject the politics of your country, in my eyes you reject your right as a citizen to live in a country such as this. People don’t get it – You have a right to vote, a right to make a decision on how your country is run, and you reject it! You might as well move to China, or Korea where you don’t get a damn say. But they wouldn’t – they would stay and claim themselves “patriots”, who love this country more than anything – who roam the foreshore on Australia Day, draped in the Australian flag, screaming out “Aussie Aussie Aussie” whilst cracking open your sixth coldie and believing yourself to be the epiphany of Australian culture – believing yourself to be the model of what an Australian should be. Yet when it comes to voting time, you turn your back, you don’t care. I don’t call that patriotism, I call that fucking lazy - “Someone else’ll do it”; Seems to be the slogan of the decade.
I would also like to point out another sector of our society – the “pretty voters”. This breed of human votes, but only for the one they believe “looks the best”, or “has the nicest television voice”. This, too, is absolute bullshit. Hitler had a nice voice – he was a very gifted public speaker – would you vote for him? This puts you in the same class as those fools who fell for him in Germany – you do not have a right to vote if you choose to throw it away. Go live in China.
I’m not saying everyone should matriculate and get a degree, I’m just saying that maybe, just flick over to the news occasionally. Read the paper, especially when it comes time for election. Even if you know the very basics – I want to vote Green because they’re all for environmental conservation – I want to vote Labor because they support the workers – I want to vote Liberal because... (give me a few minutes on that one...). I’m just saying that you live in a country which has many options – it gives you so many choices; you should count yourself damn lucky to be one of the 20 million living here because it really is the greatest country to live in.
And most of all, seriously, don’t mock me when I bring up a conversation about politics, or history, or current events, because it just means I have moved on from the mindless gossip we lived for in high school. I do enjoy the occasional burst of it, and the occasional mindless conversation that goes nowhere, the movie nights and “The Brak Show” marathons, but it doesn’t define me. It really is shallow past the age of 17. My happiness centres around me being out there – learning something new – feeling as though what I am doing and learning will someday make a difference – whether as a teacher, or, hopefully, as a politician. It has taken me 3 years, but my interests have moved on. I will lose interest in you if you don’t grow up – I will find reasons not to talk to you – I will bitch more often – I will distance myself from you – because I don’t want you to bring me down. I’m in a good place, and I don’t want, need or deserve anyone to be dragging me down because I have taken that step away from high school. Maybe you should listen to me occasionally – you might actually learn something; maybe build your own opinions, not those forced upon you by an MTV friendly society. I want you to argue - if you don't like what I say - damn well say it! It helps to form opinion and belief when you get so adamently refuse someone else's. Bring on the anger - speak out. Don't just sit back as someone else runs your country - spends your tax dollars - attacks your foundations and makes life that much harder. Don't just sit there if I make you mad - if you hate prostitution - if you enjoy the bias of Peter Van Onselen - if Valentines day is your favourite day. Bring it on!
Archive (15/3/2009): Self Censorship and my own Contradictions
I was narcissistic to the point that I believe that what I have to say has value, however was smart enough to know that those of value don’t exactly read it. Hell, my theory was blown out of the water when I came close to losing my job over my “A Compass Pointing South” rant after I had had enough of one of my managers. Apparently it travelled across from the Greenwood before I was confronted by the Big Cheese. To those who read anything I write, especially those who are studying, would probably have been this told at least once; in the real world, what you have to say means nothing unless you have the means to say it. Or in other words, nothing I say means Jack Shit until I get my BA and MA in a few years. Why do you think essays need to be fully referenced – that nothing would be accepted unless it came from a credible source? It’s because your opinion is worthless. Educated academics look at anyone who makes an opinion public as we would view Teeny-Boppers; We were once like them, would never admit it, and hate them for it. This is why everything that I say should be taken with a pinch of salt. Or a fistful.
But, having said that, I will not stop writing these notes. They break the melancholy of constant uni work nicely. I'll say what I want and know I have no credibility, but I think I'll leave Compass alone for now (money is important these days) - I do apologize for making the Chinese Whispers public.
I also want to point out how much of a hypocrite I am – purely because in one of my previous entries entitled “Compassion in the Political Spectrum” I took the mickey out of my lecturer for publically humiliating Julie Bishop. Here I am doing the same thing (Although he is an academic), and even though I in no way though I had the audience I did. Turns out I do, so my bad! Another reason to NOT listen to me and just enjoy my fits of anger.
I’m not taking back what I wrote, but seriously. I’m 19. I’m a student. Why would you listen to me?
If this is the shit I’m stirring now, it’s awesome to think what I’ll be doing in 10 years.
You know you love me
Archive (11/3/2009): Prostitution: Should it be Legal?
Now I’m not about to rip my clothes off, throw on a corset and step into some hooker heels (unless I’m dressing up as a pirate), but neither do I think that a woman should not be allowed to sell sex for profit. The fact is that women sell themselves as cleaners, as bar tenders, as waitresses and even as no good Shadow Deputy Ministers, we have the freedom to tattoo and pierce our bodies, we are allowed to sell our clothes, furniture, cosmetics and office supplies but we are not allowed to sell the most basic of human activities; sex.
Prostitution has, since the establishment of the bible and the ever present fear of God’s wrath been dubbed as a below-standard work force. However before then it, believe it or not, was seen as God’s work. Brothels, or “Temples” as they were called, were set up in ancient cities where men would go to cleanse their soul by having sex with one of “Venus’s Priestesses”. Even with the coming of monogamous marriages, these women were still viewed by society the same way we today view nuns and priests. They were seen as “God’s children”. Things have really changed.
As the time went by, prostitutes began to lose their favour with society. By the Middle Ages, they were excluded from society the same way Jews were during the reign of Hitler. If they even touched a loaf of bread, they would be forced to purchase it as it was seen as “contaminated” due to the stigmas they have attached to them.
Having said that, however, I can honestly understand why they were rejected. To be a prostitute some 500 years ago meant you were most likely the carrier of some virulent disease such as Syphilis or Cholera, and I wouldn’t want some dirty bitch touching my bread; but what about now, in the time of condoms and sleazy hotels? Prostitution is far safer than it once was, yet still has that same stigma attached to it.
Personally, I see Prostitution as a form of power, as do most women. You are literally forcing a man to pay extravagant amounts of money for something so basal, for such a basic human instinct. There is literally no greater satisfaction than for a woman to be placed in that position of power over a man. They are literally begging for sex – so much so that they have to pay for it.
But then you have the powers that be in parliament saying that it should be banned for the safety of the woman. I think that is semi-bullshit. Bullshit for the fact that most women can care for themselves, and it is their choice what they wish to do with their lives (and in this economic climate – some don’t really have a choice), but probably safer because of the abuse women have had to face in the name of their profession. The solution is easy: Why not just provide a safe outlet for both the women and men? I have no problem with a government run brothel – but most conservatives probably would, and nothing is so important that votes are risked in the next election.
Feminism has come so far, but it has also contradicted itself. They fought for the eradication of brothels in the 19th Century and for the most part they got it (In the UK, the act of selling sex is legal, but there are so many restrictions that it’s barely possible. It’s like being allowed to eat blue apples... not really possible), but did they really succeed in liberating women? Sure, they got rid of the White Slavery and Sex Trafficking (although underground activities still goes on today), but did they really give full and equal rights to a woman? Do we really have full rights to our bodies? If Prostitution is legalized, it opens doors for regulation, for an input of laws designed to retain the dignity and safety of the workers. Now sex is sold on the proverbial Black Market.
So my point: If stripping is widely accepted, then why not prostitution?
Archive (3/5/2009): Behind every great woman...
I am one of those self believing natural feminists who value not the idea of bra burning and radical revolution-like changes, but of the role women play in society, whether it be a 1950’s home maker or the successful deputy Prime Minister Julie Gillard. It is what they contribute to society which I value, classifying me as a feminist, but a more conservative one. But even I have to put my foot down when I see movies such as “The Women” and even “Sex and the City”, both of which are supposed to be about successful, independent women who don’t need the validation of men. But are they really?
Take for example, “The Women”. The film literally does not show a male until the closing scenes when a woman gives birth to a boy; there isn’t even a male extra in wide shots of the busy New York streets. The movie is supposed to be about women in power, not necessarily professionally, but in control of their lives, hence the reason no man was visible. But I could help but notice that the entire storyline revolved around men and how to get revenge, suck up to one at work or depend on one for the source of income for a young, flourishing family. No man was seen, but one was always present in their conversations, emotions, and all the basic motivation for the character’s actions. It showed women cut up over broken marriages, women desperately trying to cling to their youth as they run a cutting edge-fashion magazine under an idealistic male boss, women depending on the support of their husbands as they go through their fifth pregnancy in the hopes of finally being “blessed” with a boy. The same can be seen with Sex and the City; Powerful women who seek the presence of a man to complete them. It’s such bullshit.
I am a student who barely has time to see her friends, let alone have a boyfriend, so the time I dwell on men is very little, but I can’t help but wonder why it is most of my friends seek only that of a male companion. Is it so difficult to be satisfied with being narcissistic enough to actually be happy with whom you are without a man? We are surrounded by a culture, whether it be typical Australian or the culture Hollywood has instilled upon us (although these days the two have merged in the slow Americanisation of the world), that insists we not die alone and find someone to share our life with. Women who are 35 and single are seen as outcasts, looked down upon by society for being alone despite the fact they may have a blossoming career. I am 19, yet my own friends and family think I am the black sheep for not actually being interested in a relationship. Why should I? These are the best years of your life – I don’t want to have to live them with the lingering expectation of “something more” or “something completing”.
I also wish to mention a comment in my Political Journalism class made last week by a girl who raised the issue of Sarah Palin’s feminist beliefs. Overall, Palin was unclear over her answers, giving different responses each time she was asked of her feminist ideas, and this girl found that puzzling – is she one or not? Now I can understand fully why Sarah Palin was so hesitant about giving an honest answer – feminism is still a taboo subject in such divided societies as America. On the one hand she would be criticised by conservative men (and even women) over the liberal idea that women are the “master gender” if she were to answer in the affirmative (because of course all feminists are radical feminists), but one the other, more liberal people would criticise her for being too “conservative” and not appreciating the genders equally if she was to answer in the negative. Feminism has such a stigma attached to it; most people see feminism only as the radical extremists who go around bashing men, having sex with women and burning their undergarments because history has not taught them any better. So if I was asked the same question by the press, I would be hesitant to answer also – wouldn’t you? Like the old saying goes “Damned if you do, damned if you don’t”. If you label yourself a feminist these days, people will judge you for it.
I just think it’s time the judgement ends. We live in a society with freedom of speech and freedom of beliefs, yet a woman who freely speaks of her self-belief gets criticised. Modern Liberal democracies contradict themselves in many ways, but today, this one point just got to me.
Archive (26/2/2009): Compassion in the political spectrum
Those who know me well enough (and those, I suppose who have only just met me), would know that I am a narcissistic semi know-it-all who can rarely keep silent when it comes to expressing my beliefs and certain views I hold of various people. I actually learned today that Narcissism can be a Personality Disorder, in which the more severe forms were axiomatic in both Hitler and Stalin...just a little fun fact. The point of this entry, however, is to address compassion and self-censorship when it comes to proverbially disembowelling (nice image for you) others publically, humiliating the target, and in most cases, the shooter.
My example this week is Dr. Peter Van Onselen, who is fast coming to be my professional idol. He is an Political scientist, who has received both his Masters and PhD in Political science. He is the example of one of the few people who have made something of themselves with only their single BA – don’t kid yourself and expect anything the same if you’re graduating your Arts degree and seek a decent job. It won’t happen. You wasted your money. Arts degrees mean shit these days unless they are attached to a 2nd BA like Law/Education/Business/Psychology etc, or followed up with honours and Masters. Back to my point; Dr. Van Onselen has become a well received political commentator and analyst, writing Op.Eds for Australia’s largest papers, as well as having released three books on Howard and the Liberal Party. Overall, a household name when it comes to Politics. Well, at least he has become lately.
His latest offering, Liberals and Power: The Road Ahead, is a manifesto, if you will, of the Liberals and their plans for the future and eventual re-election. As a standard, Onselen requested Julie Bishop (The deputy leader of the opposition) to write an essay entry for the text. However, what he received was written not by her but by her Chief of staff, Murray Hanson, with chunks of it lifted right out of a speech by New Zealand Businessman Rodger Kerr made in 1999 without any sort of acknowledgement (all students know what a crime this is; referencing’s a bitch). I mean, if it was me, I would be psycho about it too. If I was releasing a book which was to be received by the public as the future of the opposition, I would be pretty pissed off the deputy leader couldn’t be assed writing it herself, let alone proof reading. Now, Hansen took full responsibility, but it makes little difference. This event occurred only a month after Bishop was in a plagiarising scandal with a speech she had made ripping off an entry in the Wall Street Journal. Bishop’s a lazy knob-head, and I say that knowing that no one else will read this, because I know I could probably count on one hand the losers who actually read my crappy notes, but Van Onselen went one step further. He doesn’t write a crappy blog for Facebook, he writes for the Sunday Times.
His reaction was a little extreme; “Julie Bishop has the stench of political death about her” and so forth. Wow. Harsh much? Now I initially applauded him for having the guts to speak out about something which until then had been mostly confined to jokes in Parliament house, but then I thought again. His entire article had absolutely no compassion whatsoever. Most people who know politics know she is not all up to the job of deputy, but confronted with her, we would not tell her; because it is our humanity which would give her a second (or third..or fifth) chance. I mean, there are ways, and there are ways. His response from the public was just that; ”Peter van Onselen, we are all sick of your self-promoting, ubiquitous presence”. People can sense an asshole, they’re not all stupid. Bishop herself addressed Van Onselen directly, labeling him a “Political stalker” with an “unhealthy obsession”. To be honest I agree with her.
His first lecture last week revolved around his criticisms of the political spectrum and its visibility in today’s media. Again and again he reverted back to Bishop, and at first I did not know why. I had already known she was a bit of a discredited outcast (can you guess the interest rate today folks?), but hardly worthy of repeated mention in a room full of soon-to-be academics. I did my research and found out about Van Onselen’s personal involvement and then understood his side, but not the underlying venom in the words he spat. He then went on to appear on Lateline which I also watched, crediting her as deputy shadow minister “In name only”. She’s a smart woman, perhaps not deputy worthy, but not virulent bitching either. Enough is enough. I think Van Onselen should go on hiatus for a while so people stop resenting him and his omniscient presence in today’s media. As it is now, he is too overexposed; if you read the paper carefully, or have been for years, his name will at least ring a bell. He is supposed to be a Liberal, but here he is criticising one of their prominant leaders. He is not acting as a political analyst, but as a political aggravator; however all he seems to be aggravating are the people he is supposed to be informing. Time to hang up the pencil and hide under a rock I'd say.
Ash OUT!
Archive (26/2/2009): How far is too far?
One of my units this semester at uni involves looking at the Political representation in the media. I have always been interested in journalism, and nearly chose it as my course 3 years ago, but decided against it for teaching. Anyway, a question asked by my lecturer got me to thinking? Does the media go too far concerning politicians and their personal “activities”? At first I answered no, because deciding to dedicate your life to national politics generally elevates you to near celebrity status, so whatever is posted, whether it be in a gossip magazine, an article in the newspaper, or general propaganda from the opposition, should be accepted and pretty much expected (exhibit A: Julie Bishop) as part of the territory.
But then I realised something that blew my initial theory out the window: I learned of Bill Clinton long before I learned of Brian Burke. Is that right? Even now, having studied both, Clinton is more of a presence in my mind (In the gay American accent: “I did not have sexual relations with that woman”) than Burke will ever be. Most who read this would probably never even have heard of him, or at least the kind of dodgy, corrupt, money laundering West Australian Premier that he was. Now when you think about it, when we live in a Federation, where most of our lives are concerned by the State Government rather than the Federal one, why is it that the private life of a President on the other side of the planet has become far more of a household scandal than that of the indiscretions of Brian Burke, who ran our state and educated our kids? Does it really matter all that much? Who cares if Josh Brogden self harmed? It is his choice; his decision; his life.
JFK and Clinton philandered. Whatever. I’m sure, just like Cousins and the drug scandal of ‘06/’07, that a hell of a lot more have done it, just not having being caught. They were the presidents of the United States for Christ’s sake. But most of all they are human. I’m not condoning cheating, but people have to stop idealising them, and start treating politicians like people, warts and all. People make mistakes; hell, I’ve made plenty, but I don’t see my indiscretions being splashed across page 1. If people look for a scandal, they will find one (Exhibit B – the latest offerings by the New York Times Art department – apparently the artists wanted Black people to hate him). Kevin Rudd walked into a strip joint; does that suddenly make him a baby-eating anti-Christ? No! That makes him human. What annoys me is that making every aspect of a politician’s personal life on show makes them more human than everyone else. Like Orwell’s infamous quote “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”.
“All people are human, but some people are more human than others”
Now that’s just tacky!