Thursday, June 4, 2009

Archive (26/3/2009): When you know it's time to grow up...

I was in bed last night realising I haven’t written one of these in a week – which probably explains why I kicked those kittens on the way out to my car this morning. It’s good therapy.

I decided that this week I’m going to hit a little closer to home, because something has been really bothering me lately. This is a general rant, so if anyone sees any personal “coincidences”, then it probably does include you – but also half the Australian population. Well, more like three quarters. At least.

It’s just that it’s getting so frustrating that I feel like I literally have nothing in common with anyone anymore. I started a new course at uni a year ago, purely because I’m too political for primary school kids, and I find it fascinating. Even though it’s about 3 times as full on as primary teaching, doing a double degree of Education and Politics/History is literally the most rewarding decision I have made in years. I’m surrounded by academics, intellectuals – people who literally make me want to better myself – who push me to write better, to speak better, to form opinions, to make arguments, to listen, to learn and never want to stop. For the first time in quite a while I know exactly who I am, what I want and where I’m going, and I’m not going to stop pushing myself until I get there.

I don’t see life as easy – I see it as damn hard. I got paid 2 days ago and my bank account balance reads: $0.00 – I have no money; everything I have goes towards bills/holidays/petrol – I rarely buy anything for myself anymore; but I am so much happier. But people can’t understand that; and I can’t understand them.

I honestly can’t understand people who turn their backs on their country; who accept ignorance over thought; who would know the difference between authoritarian and Libertarian, and if told they probably wouldn’t care. Newsflash: It’s the difference between Stalin and Kevin Rudd! If you reject the politics of your country, in my eyes you reject your right as a citizen to live in a country such as this. People don’t get it – You have a right to vote, a right to make a decision on how your country is run, and you reject it! You might as well move to China, or Korea where you don’t get a damn say. But they wouldn’t – they would stay and claim themselves “patriots”, who love this country more than anything – who roam the foreshore on Australia Day, draped in the Australian flag, screaming out “Aussie Aussie Aussie” whilst cracking open your sixth coldie and believing yourself to be the epiphany of Australian culture – believing yourself to be the model of what an Australian should be. Yet when it comes to voting time, you turn your back, you don’t care. I don’t call that patriotism, I call that fucking lazy - “Someone else’ll do it”; Seems to be the slogan of the decade.

I would also like to point out another sector of our society – the “pretty voters”. This breed of human votes, but only for the one they believe “looks the best”, or “has the nicest television voice”. This, too, is absolute bullshit. Hitler had a nice voice – he was a very gifted public speaker – would you vote for him? This puts you in the same class as those fools who fell for him in Germany – you do not have a right to vote if you choose to throw it away. Go live in China.

I’m not saying everyone should matriculate and get a degree, I’m just saying that maybe, just flick over to the news occasionally. Read the paper, especially when it comes time for election. Even if you know the very basics – I want to vote Green because they’re all for environmental conservation – I want to vote Labor because they support the workers – I want to vote Liberal because... (give me a few minutes on that one...). I’m just saying that you live in a country which has many options – it gives you so many choices; you should count yourself damn lucky to be one of the 20 million living here because it really is the greatest country to live in.

And most of all, seriously, don’t mock me when I bring up a conversation about politics, or history, or current events, because it just means I have moved on from the mindless gossip we lived for in high school. I do enjoy the occasional burst of it, and the occasional mindless conversation that goes nowhere, the movie nights and “The Brak Show” marathons, but it doesn’t define me. It really is shallow past the age of 17. My happiness centres around me being out there – learning something new – feeling as though what I am doing and learning will someday make a difference – whether as a teacher, or, hopefully, as a politician. It has taken me 3 years, but my interests have moved on. I will lose interest in you if you don’t grow up – I will find reasons not to talk to you – I will bitch more often – I will distance myself from you – because I don’t want you to bring me down. I’m in a good place, and I don’t want, need or deserve anyone to be dragging me down because I have taken that step away from high school. Maybe you should listen to me occasionally – you might actually learn something; maybe build your own opinions, not those forced upon you by an MTV friendly society. I want you to argue - if you don't like what I say - damn well say it! It helps to form opinion and belief when you get so adamently refuse someone else's. Bring on the anger - speak out. Don't just sit back as someone else runs your country - spends your tax dollars - attacks your foundations and makes life that much harder. Don't just sit there if I make you mad - if you hate prostitution - if you enjoy the bias of Peter Van Onselen - if Valentines day is your favourite day. Bring it on!


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